Sunday Snippet

Sunday Snippet featuring His Premier

Sunday Snippet with Jessie G

Fans of the series know revenge is a doubled-edged sword, forgiveness doesn’t come easily, and forgetting is damn near impossible. But love…well, that may just conquer all.

Unedited excerpt from His Premier 
Release date announcement coming soon!


Those dark bedroom eyes glittered as if Arnaud knew exactly what he was thinking, and he leaned closer to whisper, “If you keep looking at me like that, we might have to skip dinner.”

“That’s more tempting than you know.” Colin wanted everything Arnaud was offering so bad he could taste it. He could even envision himself grabbing Arnaud by the hand to drag him back out to the waiting car. But he was a coward. Terrified of himself.

“It’ll happen when we’re both ready.” Arnaud broke through the beginnings of his panic, the declaration sure and firm.

“Are you sure?” Colin needed one of them to be sure, to believe, because all he believed in were consequences. He didn’t know what terrible thing might happen if they had sex, but he feared it nonetheless.

Arnaud offered his hand, palm up, and looked at him beseechingly. “Trust me?”

They both knew and acknowledged the obstacles in their path, so repeating them would only be self-protective. A way to reinforce the wall between him and the rest of the world. He was so tired of keeping himself apart, and wanted to believe that he could have a life without it blowing up in their face. rightquotesIf he took Arnaud’s hand and let him lead him slowly out into the world, trusting him to keep them both safe, it might just be possible.

“I trust you.” Colin grasped the slender hand and was only a little embarrassed at the way his own shook. Arnaud fairly glowed with happiness and Colin decided that was worth showing a little weakness.

© 2016 Jessie G Books, Inc. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from the author is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jessie G and Jessie G Books, Inc. with the appropriate and specific direction to the original content here at

I’m just starting to fill in the board for this book, but you may want to follow it for glimpses into my research and inspiration!