Never Have I Ever

Never Have I Ever – Round 1 Week 11

Never Have I Ever with Jessie G

The Question:

Never have I ever had sex with someone 10+ years older than me

Jessie’s Rules:

Remember, the story is what makes this game fun!
1 point is given for every “I have”
1 point is taken for every “I have never”
1 bonus point for an accompanying story

The Game:

Every Wednesday for the next 11 weeks, I’ll post a question and keep track of the points.
The person with the most points at the end will win a $11 Amazon GC
The person with the most – points at the end will win a B&N GC for $5.50

Previous Rounds:

Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 5 | Week 6 | Week 7 |  Week 8 | Week 9 | Week 10

Stats as of 8/3/2016:

As a non-answer is the equivalent of a I have Never + A Story and it would be unfair to those who have
played consistently to allow them to count. Anyone with more than 1 missing week will be disqualified.

If you’ve been removed for missing multiple weeks, the option to go back is closed.
For those with a yellow box below, missing this last question will disqualify you for having more than 1


18 thoughts on “Never Have I Ever – Round 1 Week 11

  • denise carter

    Oh, now I got this shit!!! 🙂
    EVERYONE I have had sex with has been at least 10 years older than me. (Now, too be fair, its only been 3 people, but still…).
    I ended up marrying the last one. Eleven years older than me.
    I might have a daddy complex, not sure. 😉

  • Denise Dechene

    I have never

  • Michelle

    ?whioooot whooooot ? I am actually starting in the positive! Yes, I have … twice….. Many many years ago…… But does it count of both are dead now? Hmmmmmmm

  • Johanna Jochum

    Oh man… totally losing this game! I have never. I’ve only been with men a few years younger or older than me. My husband and I are the same age. I’ve been attracted to several older men but never had a opportunity to date or have sex with them. So dissapointed now…lol!

  • The majority of the men I’ve dated were older, some significantly so! I think the oldest was 17 years older. He was more immature than anyone else, though. In all honesty, there’s only one person I dated that was younger, and he’s the love of my life.

  • Ok, I’m not in the contest anymore, but, yes, I have. I married one of them (22 years older) but there have been a few more. Almost all have been at least 15 years older. LOL

  • i have…about 20 years ago…i slept with my boss at the time. he was more like 15 years older…

  • I have had sex with a person 10+ years older than me. Actually more than one person….eeks. I’ve also had sex with people more than 10+ years younger than me.

  • After my first divorce from a husband who cheated repeatedly, I was 22 and very insecure. Met a man who was 43 and took me to dinner, made me feel beautiful again. Didn’t last but I’ll never forget him.

  • Yep I have, a few times with a few different guys.

  • I have never. the closest I got was a guy that was 25 when I was 17 and just barely not a virgin. He was into armpits. That didn’t last long.

  • I have never, the guys are usually were 5 years or less older than me.

  • I have not….I think the biggest age gap was 6 years older.

  • I have never, the oldest was 9 years

  • Odin Blair

    i HAVE,
    Let me count the ways…and ages. I have been at this for 45 years and in the beginning everyone was 10 or 20 years older than me. As time went on I became the old guard and now I was 10 and 20 years older than them.

  • Miranda P

    I have never

  • How did I miss this yesterday?? Yes, a few times. The first being when I was 15 and working at a restaurant, my manager was 28 at the time and after getting to know each other a bit, she told me how she felt. I knew I was attracted to women, but still very confused at that age. We ended up sleeping together and having an on again, off again relationship for 4 years. She was my first love and probably the biggest emotional fuck of my life and I don’t mean that in a good way. I realized years later, how wrong she was to do what she did…. But all I saw at the time was love. I had gone through an abduction/rape by two men before meeting her, yes they were at least in their 30’s… It was brutal, maybe I was drawn to the nurturing that she had to offer… Anyhow… Yeah.

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